SUNDAY, December 29
9:00am - Traditional Worship
MON-WED, Dec 30-Jan 1
THURSDAY, January 2
11:30am - Sewing Circle
SATURDAY, January 4
8-10am - Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
SUNDAY, January 5
8:00am - Traditional Worship with Communion
9:15am - Adult Bible Study & Sunday School
10:30am - Contemporary Worship with Communion
WEDNESDAY, January 8
6:30pm - Confirmation
THURSDAY, January 9
10:30am - Adult Bible Study
11:30am - Sewing Circle
12:00pm - LWML Meeting
SUNDAY, January 12
8:00am - Traditional Worship
9:15am - Adult Bible Study
10:30am - Contemporary Worship
Topic: TBD
For more information or questions, please contact the church office at 763-263-3090.
If you would like to still receive the Lord's Supper outside of a service, contact the office for more information.